News and Events

News in May

Finally, the rain has stopped and spring has emerged. The vines are firing away on all cylinders, making up for lost time. Unfortunately, so is the grass between and under the rows. We are struggling to keep on top of it at the moment!

The pavilion is looking lovely and the tours are under way. Everyone is really interested when we explain how grapes are grown in this climate. It seems this is not a usual part of other vineyard tours.

So far, everyone seems to be enjoying it all. It is an incredibly beautiful valley to be fair. The way up to the vineyard is over the Big Field which at the moment is a sea of buttercups.

Come and see, and have a taste of our award-winning wines and English Brandy! Yes – still delighted by the Silver Medal awarded by the international London Spirits Competition to our brandy from our small vineyard in a corner of Herefordshire, up there with the Jamaican rum and Japanese sake!!

See you soon!